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Celebrating Yom Teruah 2. Rams horn and shofars sounding at daybreak.
Jerusalem Shofar at Sunrise - Amazing
Celebrating Yom Teruah with 7 shofars at the dawning of a new day.
An Amazing Shofar Ram's Horn Service
Blowing Shofars on Yom Teruah 🎺
Yom Teruah (Day Of Sounding)
Yom Teruah (Rosh Hashanah) “Day of Shouting/Blasting"
Sound of Rams Horn and Prayer
Rabbi Hayon Sounds Final Shofar at N'ilah (Sept. 28, 2020)
Yom Teruah — The Day of the Blasting of the Shofar!
Rabbi Abrahami - Blowing Shoffar (special ram horn)
Final Ram's Horn - Christ Is Coming